Wednesday, October 14, 2009


J: "Anson, let's race and see who can give Mama a kiss first."
Anson: "mmmm-maw"
Mama: "Anson won!"
Anson: "Anson TWO!!!"

Friday, October 9, 2009

10/09/07 at 3:02am...

Happy Birthday, Anson!!!

And other news, Joe has taught Anson the words "snot" and "ewwww".

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My Brother Rocks

I had the privilege of talking to my brother, Sgt D, this afternoon. He was using Skype (free internet phone) to call me from Iraq.

One of the most exciting things he told me was that the weather was starting to cool down, and he was excited to be experiencing the cool temperatures. FYI, the daily highs are now in the low 100s. I should point out that there was only sincerity, no sarcasm, in his voice.

He is fortunate in that his duties keep him out of the line of fire. However, he is experiencing extreme boredom, which one could argue is a danger of a different kind. Because of his position, he really is not able to socialize with any of the other troops. He goes to work (which is currently not busy), and then goes home to his dorm-room sized room. That's it. There is nowhere else to go, nothing else to do. I know that I fantasize about being bored, but the prospect of facing an entire day of extreme nothing is frightening. You have four tiny walls and your computer for company. There is only so much time you can spend playing on your computer, and watching old tv shows on Hulu. You can only read for so long. And then you have another 6 hours until bedtime.

I am not the world's greatest phone conversationalist (I'm a listener, not a talker), and I'm afraid I did nothing to entertain my poor brother on the phone. I'm also horrible at correspondence, so again, he's not getting much in the way of witty emails from me. I'd like to publicly say that I'm sorry for that, Bro. I do think of you lots... however, I know that while knowledge of this may give you a warm fuzzy inside, it doesn't do much else.

Please, everyone, take this time to send a letter/email/care package to those you know serving our country away from home. I pray that they are all safe, and the worst enemy they are currently fighting is boredom. Because that is something we all can help them fight.

And, BIGGEST call-out to Sgt D. I am so proud of you, Bro! (PS. I hear stamp collecting is a really exciting hobby :)

Monday, September 14, 2009


Anson: "Anson go Seattle. Airplane. Vrrrrrr. Go with Mama!"

I think he misses his Mama :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Romancing the Mama

I just had an awfully cute, blond-haired, blue-eyed boy throw himself into my arms with the declaration, "Oh, Baby!"

This was after I was greeted at the door with "Hubba Hubba, Pretty Mama!"

Take THAT, Future 1st girlfriend!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sometimes Projects Take Way, Way Longer Than They're Supposed To

Case in Point: Getting the living room rug professionally cleaned, then washing the wood floor beneath it.

2 Weeks Ago: Joe rolls up the rug, stuffs it into the car, and we take it to American Rug Laundry for a deep cleaning. I wash the rug mat in the washer (unsuccessfully), and then with a hose on the laundry line. I decide not to sweep and wash the floors, because, honestly, by the time the rug is ready, I'll just need to do it again.

1 Week Ago: We receive notice that our rug is ready to be picked up. That just doesn't happen.

10:00 - We decide to leave to go pick up the rug.
10:35 - We actually are driving away from the house.
11:10 - We return to the house, with our cleaned rug rolled up in paper. I start putting away Anson's toys, and then pull out the bucket and get down on my hands and knees. I remember that, when you have all wood floors and an open floor plan, it is pointless to wash just the floor in just one of the rooms. Plans change to include the rest of the floors. However, there is just time to wash the living room floor.
12:00 - Lunch Break.
1:45 - I decide the living room floor is dry enough. The rug mat, then the rug is laid down. The tv room is swept and washed. Nap / Computer Break (hey, it's Labor Day Weekend!). And then other things just are more important/fun.
6:15 - Joe moves all the appropriate furniture from the library into the living room. I sweep the library and entry way. We go for a bike ride.
7:45 - I start the final washing of the last two floors.
8:00 - I'm done. Kinda.

2 full weeks pass with 1 full day of work. Duration of actual labor, just a few hours.

Oh - and the library room furniture is still piled in the middle of the rug. I could just finish up the job now. But I would prefer the saga to continue at least another day.